For those of you who don’t know me on a personal level, I use to be a wedding photographer. Then life threw me a pretty significant curveball and I went on hiatus. And by hiatus, I actually mean quit. I stopped dead in my tracks. Not only did I quit wedding photography, I quit photography – period. During that season of my life, the creative spark that fueled me was nowhere to be found. The following five years were happy ones: I met the love of my life, we welcomed a beautiful baby girl, the children were healthy. Everything seemed great. Except that my soul was missing something. I started this blog one night on a whim, without any forethought as to what it would be. Fast forward to today and I can honestly say that this little corner of the internet has been the lifeline that I so desperately needed. I’ve always thrived on being creative. It’s where I’m happiest. It’s where I can work a 15hr day and feel like I haven’t worked at all. It’s where my energy is amplified instead of depleted. When life went awry, I tried to fight it. I even sold a bunch of equipment, only to buy it all back. Then came the summer of 2018 when my little sister announced that, not only was she getting married, but that she wanted me to be her wedding photographer as well. My initial reaction was oh hell to the no. Why? Deep down, I knew that if I picked up a camera again I wouldn’t put it back down. Thankfully, my heart outwrestled my head and I agreed. Needless to say, the camera hasn’t returned to the back corner of my storage closet.
To celebrate my official launch back into the world of photography, I figured I’d share with you a few shots of my sister’s big day. It was by far the most chill (albeit stressful since I had a newborn strapped to my chest) wedding I’d ever had the pleasure of experiencing. I hope that you will continue to follow me through both the edible and not-so-edible variety of content I will be delivering.